About us
Vishranthi, an old age home & a compassionate refuge where elderly individuals receive care, support, and companionship in their later years

Founder and Chairperson (1930 to 2020)
MS. Savithri Vaithi
Need for Old-age Home
Today the social-economic scenario of the country, having changed drastically from joint-family to nuclear-family system, has forced both the spouses to seek employment to sustain the family. This has resulted in a new set of multi-fold problems faced by aged parents especially the women, which did not manifest in larger measure some decades ago. These problems range from lack of security at home, feeling of loneliness and unavailability of urgent help during medical emergency, etc.
Vision of the Visionary
As early as in the year 1978, when these problems existed sparsely but mostly in potential form, Late.Mrs. Savithri Vaithi had the forethought and a clear vision of the future needs of old-age women into a large-scale growth of these problems, especially that of old-age destitute women. Based on her intuitive urge to address these problems, she charted a clear and systematic road-map on an on-going basis for alleviating the distress of the aged women.
Mrs. Savithri Vaithi started, “Vishranthi”, the first Old Age Home for Destitute Women in Chennai with one inmate initially. Today, in 2021, this pioneer institution under the able administration and guidance of the trustees has grown in its strength meeting the basic physical, psychological and emotional needs of nearly most deserving 140+ women in “Vishranthi”, their Old Age Home at Palavakkam, Chennai.
Mrs. Savithri Vaithi started, “Vishranthi”, the first Old Age Home for Destitute Women in Chennai with one inmate initially. Today, in 2021, this pioneer institution under the able administration and guidance of the trustees has grown in its strength meeting the basic physical, psychological and emotional needs of nearly most deserving 140+ women in “Vishranthi”, their Old Age Home at Palavakkam, Chennai.
Providing Dignity while Living & After
Vishranthi ensures that legitimate and most deserving destitute women are admitted into the Home. The inmates get not only healthy food, decent clothing and comfortable shelter beside basic medical facilities but also dignified life during the stay. Those who need urgent medical help are provided such facilities immediately by the staff nurses to help them get back to normalcy and those who need long-term medical assistance are shifted to sick-room for exclusive attention.
Help to Sick & Terminally ill
Bed-ridden and terminally ill women are given proper medical attention and care by trained nurses and assistants. Whenever the inevitable end happens to the inmates, they are given dignified last respects and the body is handed over to the relatives or well-wishers. Vishranthi has performed several hundreds of path-breaking last rites to the deceased inmates who do not have any near and dear ones.

Inauguration of Vishranthi in 1978 by Honourable President of India Mr. Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy and Governer of Tamilnadu Late Shri. Prabudas Patwari